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Welcome! Your Abstract Submission
Deadline for Abstract Submission: August 08 (Fri), 2014
We welcome the submission of abstracts from worldwide experts in Lipid Metabolism and Atherosclerosis.

The Scientific Committee will review your abstracts and all authors will be notified by email in early August as to the outcome.
The Scientific Committee will make the final decision as to the type of presentation (oral or poster).
All presenters must make pre-registration (online) and pay the fees to attend the meeting. Online registration ends Aug. 31, 2014.

Official language of ICLA2014 is English.
Abstracts should be submitted through the website. (*It is not acceptable to submit by fax or email).
The length of body is limited to 300 words.
The text should be arranged according to the following structured format: Objective-Methods-Results-Conclusion.
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain types or grammatical errors.
Authors may choose their preference of presentation type (oral or poster). However, the scientific committee will make a final decision.
Abstract Categories
01 Lipid Metabolism
02 Coronary Artery & Other Vascular Diseases
03 Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Biomarkers in Atherosclerosis
04 Management of Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Dyslipidemia
05 Nutritional Aspects of Atherosclerosis
06 Others
Travel grant
The ICLA2014 offers USD 1,000 per an applicant [Foreign Abstract Submitter only] who is selected by the scientific committee.

Applicants must submit abstract(s).
Be sure to apply for the Travel Grant during your online registration. Applicants must be age of under 45 years old.
The result will be emailed and be put on the website.
USD 1,000 will be provided in cash at the registration desk during the congress.
Notification of Acceptance
Abstract will be accepted on the scientific merit. The results will be sent to all of the submitters by email on August 14, 2014.
Withdrawal Policy
It is fully required to inform the congress secretariat of your decision via email by Note that failure to comply will result in automatic rejection from the ICLA2014.